President Obama is on the campaign trail  as the campaign ends and what is Obama telling the voters? Obama says “you know me, you know I mean what I say, you know I do what I say”.

These statements by Obama after he failed to meet his promises of 2008, including the main Obama pitch, “If I can’t get the job done in four years, then I am a one term proposition”, are a perfect example of DENIAL.

Here is the truth; after four failed years Americans know that “Obama does not mean what he says and does not do what he says”. President Obama is in denial, but the American people are not. Americans know that in order to get the country back on track the number one priority is creating; JOBS.

America and Americans have a proud heritage of coming together in times of need, in crisis and this is that time.

The days of falling for Obama and his administrations’ rhetoric are over, the days of the Obama campaign playing the race card are over, the days of scaring women are over, the days of bashing Mitt Romney are over, the day of distractions are over.

Obama, his administration and campaign people, in particular Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have been caught in so many lies and/or misleading statements that they have lost complete creditability with Americans.

The way the Obama administration handled the 9/11/2012 terrorist attack on the U.N. Embassy in Libya where U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed, reeks of a major, election, political cover-up.

President Obama did not live up to his word, unemployment has been over 8%  for 43 consecutive months and if you count those that have stopped looking, the real rate would be approximately 11-12%, over 23 million Americans are out of work, 1 out of 6 Americans now living in poverty, 47 million people on food stamps, 16 trillion $ national debt, Americans more divided than ever before due to Obama’s’ class warfare, four years without balancing the budget and no plan on what Obama would change or introduce to turn these failures around.

As for the auto industry, Obama used American taxpayers money to bail out the auto industry and today we TAXPAYERS stand to lose 25 billion dollars as a result. In addition, thousands of auto dealerships were closed and thousands of jobs lost along with those closings. Many of those dealerships were family owned and operated for decades. The auto industry could have survived under bankruptcy laws and the American taxpayer spared billions of their taxpayer dollars.

Obamacare, will kick in and the middle-class will be paying the bills, small businesses that employ mainly women going back into the workforce; college graduates, single , married and married with children will take the brunt of layoffs due to the unaffordable cost of providing Obamacare, many businesses will reduce full-time workers to part-time in order to maintain their businesses under Obamacare.

As a result, If Obama gets reelected you will not see any gain in JOBS you will see lost JOBS, America cannot survive this economic crisis if we lose more jobs.

Senior citizens that require major operations will have to wait for approval from Obamacare clerks and a board of 15 Obama selected panel members  who will decide your fate. Feeling old these days, how about being told NO, for a hip transplant because you are too old? Or how about waiting so long for a decision that your health problem escalates to a more serious stage? Does anyone believe that any government controlled program is not bogged down in red tape?

Bottomline here, social programs, contraceptives, food stamps will not be available if we do not create JOBS. Get the economy going then have your states and representatives fight for the social programs you support.

Black and Hispanic voters, you have the highest level of unemployment and poverty, this is a direct result of President Obama’s failed Presidency. It is time to fish or cut bait. Vote for President Obama again and down you go again. Vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and give yourselves a chance to get a JOB, to improve your lifestyle and to strive for that American dream, a home, a vehicle, a checking account and a bank account.

White voters do not be embarrassed into voting for President Obama by those that play the race card. This election is not about skin color. If President Obama had lived up to his promises, had been transparent about his failures this would have been his election without the battle he is now facing.

If the biased news media had provided Americans with honest and unbiased coverage of President Obama’s failures, lies and misleading rhetoric, this would already be over for Obama. DO NOT LET THIS LIBERAL MEDIA PICK THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT, THIS IS NOT THE WAY OF A FAIR, BALANCED AND FREE NEWS MEDIA.

America needs to be united again, all colors in one common cause SAVE OUR COUNTRY FROM BECOMING A CLONE OF SPAIN, GREECE, ENGLAND, FRANCE.

America really does need HOPE and CHANGE and that would be Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

Vote Romney/Ryan and give America back to the American people.