Final Presidential Debate the Day After

This post is to alert voters that President Obama  has been called out for making accusations that Mitt Romney was not telling the truth about specific statements Romney made during the debate.

Today, “fact-checkers” have gone on record indicating that Mitt Romney was “right-on-target” and Obama was incorrect.

Obama did in fact go on an apology tour to the middle east and said America was dismissive and derisive and dictated to other nations, Obama said we acted contrary to our traditions and ideas. Foxnews played the tapes of Obama making these and many other statements criticizing our America.

Here we have a “stone-faced” Obama grasping at straws to discredit Mitt Romney.

The liberal news media will cover up and the only source of fair and balanced  news is FOXNEWS, but if you doubt FOX simply Google Obamas’ speeches in 2009 and hear and/or read for yourselves.

Wake up out there Americans President Obama has no record to run on either at home or abroad, has no plan to identify his failed policies, nor any plan to correct them. Today the Obama administration releasing a booklet “A Plan for Jobs”, 20 pages of the recycled, failed, policies he made in 2008.

You see Obama believes Americans, especially the middle class and poor, are to stupid  to recognize his quick, little scams. Yes the same people Obama claims he will help, Obama is using in the hope they buy into his rhetoric and give him the vote.

Just as bad as Obama is V.P. Joe Biden who considers the middle class and poor so stupid that he can stand in front of them and accuse Romney of “running from the truth and running from his record” Americans, how can any voter listen to “foot-in-the-mouth Biden”?

Who can’t run on their record,? who is running from the truth?, Comon you all know the answer, it is President Obama and V.P. Biden.

President Obama in 2008, committed to promises, promises to the American people and was incapable of meeting those commitments and in fact made them worse.

Chris Mathews said on air “Romney supporters are being fueled by racial hatred and it is not about being President it is about getting rid of this President.”

Now here is a real race card, if President Obama  were “WHITE” and running on his record of the past four years, this race would have been long over and any Republican candidate would walk away with a landslide victory . This media gives Obama every benefit of doubt and fails to report the real “fact-checked” lies Obama throws around, Obama is protected because he is black.

Let’s not forgot it was WHITE voters that helped put Obama in office and if white voters, looking at Obama’s failed policies, a crushed economy and middle class, 23 million Americans out of work, 43 months of over 8% unemployment, 16 trillion in national debt, 47 million Americans on food stamps, one out of six Americans living in poverty, a terrorist attack on our U.S.Embassy on 911 2012, in Libya killing U.S.Ambassdor Chris Stevens and three other Americans and then Obama and his administration attempting to cover this up, if white voters have lost the faith in hope and change, based on the Obama failed Presidency, Obama’s skin color is not the reason. Black, White,  all hoped that President Obama would succeed, because if he would have met the goals he set in 2008, this would be a landslide victory for Obama.

If voters are looking to Mitt Romney for hope and change, it is not because Romney is White and President Obama is Black, it is because Romney has proven to voters that he has a better plan, better agenda to create JOBS and we all know that unless we create JOBS all other issues will not matter.

By the way, based on the Obama administrations desperation, look for some dramatic action, of some kind, to take place by Obama as an attention vote stealer just before election day.

VOTE ROMNEY/RYAN and take America back to the people.



Heading into tomorrow nights final debate on foreign policy, President Obama, his administration and the liberal media are all scrambling to create a maze out of the terrorist attack on the U.S.Embassy in Libya.

Obama knows that the American voters, those with their ears and eyes open, are fully aware that this was an attempted cover-up of the 911 Terrorist attack. Furthermore The American public knows that Candy Crowley did indeed help get Obama off the hook when she became “fact-checker” rather than staying with her role as ‘moderator” and threw Romney of mark by stating incorrect facts at that.

To be clear, all reports from American and foreign officials see this as a 911 Terrorist attack that killed U.S.Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. Making matters worse letters, e-mail and memos’ show that Chris Stevens saw this coming, requested more security but was given the “code of silence”.

Like “Watergate” however, each day Obama and his administration attempt to layout this “Obamamaze” of confusion they instead pave a clear path of deception and lies right back to the White House and President Obama.

As voters sort through issues like jobs, the economy, healthcare, the national debt, $4.00 to $5.00 for a gallon of gasoline they are beginning to see their way  through the Obamamaze.

Voters that are looking past “likeability” as the medicine needed to “fix” America, now can determine that the last four years of Obama and his administration were not only a failure but that Obama’s pitch for four more years is based on “more-lies”.

MAYBE, a President can be given a second term even though they did not reach some of the goals they promised the American people; however, Obama not only failed to meet the main goals (Jobs, economy, national debt, to name the big ones) Obama did not even come close and  has drastically mislead, divided and lied to the people.

There is no justification for giving Obama four more years, Obama knew what he was getting into, lied to win the election and has lied in an attempt to win a second term.

We have to look at Obama like a CEO of a large corporation, the CEO’S that fail to do the job, get a “golden parachute” of benefits and go away. As the “former” President of the United States, Obama and his family will live very comfortable for the rest of their lives.

Let’s not shed tears for the Obama’s, let’s just “vote” them onto the straps of that golden parachute and wish them the best in whatever they do.

Vote Romney/Ryan and Americans will be able to ride their parachute to a strong, united, prosperous America.


President Obama the Doctor

Out on the campaign trail , President Obama told a group of mostly women supporters; “Romney is backtracking and side stepping so much he has a condition, I will call IT Romnesia.”

Made me think a little, Obama doesn’t backtrack because that would take Obama back four years ago when he made his committment to Americans to,(among others) , bring unemployment down to 5.6%, (it is 8% with over 23 million Americans out-of-work), reduce the national debt, (Obama increased it by 5.6 trillion to 16 trillion), to unite the country (blue states and red states are now so divided it is like living in two countries) and most importantly Obama committed to reaching his goals in four years or he was a one term proposition (Obama wants four more years)

It seems like Obama and his rhetoric can be linked to a meal that looks good, tastes good,  but eat enough and you will clog your arteries with the fat and damage your heart.

So what we have with Obama is the “Obamawhopper”. Obama thinks what he promised four years still looks good, his failed stimulus package  tasted good for those that benefited from our taxpayer money,  Obamacare is fat in regulations and restrictions and your heart  may just feel the damage. (your pocketbook surely will)

As a sideline the Obamawhopper extends into the everyday Obama campaign, like the “whoppers” we hear surrounding the 911 terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya (which was denied for over three weeks), the 47 million Americans on food stamps, the one out of six Americans living in poverty, the 16 trillion $ national debt, the reduction in middle class American take home pay, the failure of the green energy investments and bankruptcies, the $4.00 to $5.00 cost of a gallon of gasoline, the fast and furious gun running program and the division of our people with more racial tension than before.

According to the Obamawhopper, these problems do not exist, it is Romney and Ryan that are out to destroy America, it is Romnesia, this coming from a President who really shows the signs of amnesia.

But let Obama select the “distraction” handles for Romney because as we all see it, in the scope of misleading facts and lies, Obamawhopper trumps Romnesia.

Voters, when you go to the voting booth don’t be overcome by amnesia just think of the Obamawhoppers that have taken America and Americans to economic disaster and how those same Obamawhoppers for four more years will stop the heart and spirit of America.

Vote Romney/Ryan JOBS for Americans, fat for our pocketbooks, a future for our children.


Candy Crowley and the 2012 Presidential Debate

Candy Crowley became the first woman moderator for a Presidential debate in the last 20 years. Let’s hope it is the last time Candy has that opportunity.

Candy Crowley now joins Vice Presidential debate moderator Martha Raddatz in showing that if women are going to be given moderator assignments, in critical debates, they need to be more carefully screened and selected.

In the case of Martha Raddatz, Obama attended her wedding in 1991 and in March of 2009 Obama selected Raddatz’s husband and former Harvard Law School classmate, Julius Genachowski to head the Federal Communications commission. Genachowski was also a top 2008 Obama fundraiser and developed the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign Tech and Innovation Plan.

Is it then any wonder that Raddatz allowed Biden to “run-the-show” with smiles, smirks and interruptions?

Candy Crowley not only prevented Romney from finishing his rebuttals to Obama, Crowley gave Obama an out on the major Libya issue when she gave her own opinion of Obama’s comments the day after the attack.

Crowley stated; “she heard Obama’s speech at the time and re-read a lot of “stuff” about Libya because I knew we’d probably get a Libya question.” The exact question was; “why was additional security in Libya turned down and who turned it down”?

Obama never answered that question instead going into distraction details. When the main point came up from Romney asking the President about  declaring this a terrorist attack , Obama never clearly answered, but reference was made to a generic statement he made in the rose garden the day after the attack; “no act of terror will shake are resolve ——–. this was not identifying the Libya attack as an act of terror. When Romney pressed Obama on that statement Crowley interjected, “he did in fact sir” meaning Obama did call it an act of terror. CROWLEY WAS WRONG.

To further support the fact that Obama made a generic statement Obama, Press Secretary Jay Carney and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice spent over a week on talk shows, in news conferences and Obama himself on the View and Letterman shows pushing the holly youtube video that supposedly antagonized the Muslim World, rather than a 911 style terrorist attack which it was.

What happened to Crowley redirecting the President to answering the question that was asked? So much for Crowley’s reading “stuff”.

The danger in selecting liberal, biased moderators, women or men, is that they can change the direction of the debate and unlike football we have no instant replay. Oh, they can play the game asking seemingly hard questions here and there to each candidate, but it is the main, game changers that dilute the debate and mislead the public.

When Jim Lehrer moderated he allowed both Obama and Romney to engage and complete their points to an ending. This is what the public needs in order to make a decision on the matters being discussed.

Moderators like Crowley and Raddatz, in football terms “take away the mo” (momentum) and this is a game changer.

In addition, to giving Obama and Biden help both Crowley and Raddatz did not help the cause of women in the role as moderators; not to say there are many other women who could have done a better job.

Hopefully, the public will see this misleading President, his misleading administration and a misleading, liberal media as a danger to the future of our country.

Vote Romney/Ryan and send a message that Americans will not accept distractions and deception as a resume for running our country.


Vice Presidential Debate Biden Ryan 2012 Smiles and Smirks

Vice President Biden turned a Vice Presidential debate into a disrespectful, smiling, smirking, condescending, rude cluster joke, Biden embarrassed the Democrat’s and himself.

Joe Biden became  an old man tonight with total disrespect for a young and upcoming intelligent Ryan. Biden tried to use the rope-a-dope one too many times. Biden basically lost his own composure, came across as “out-of-control”; Biden went to the well, but the well was full of smirks. 

Paul Ryan came across as the young, respectiful politician ready to take the torch from the old politician while still respecting the elder as Biden strutted with nervous smirks and fanned with missing feathers.

Disrespect by Biden was not being tough, it is being an ASS.

Martha Raddatz, with all of her rewards should retire from any future  debate moderator assignments. Raddatz, allowed Biden to finish his comments on the questions she posed, but on several occasions cut Ryan off and changed the subject before Ryan could give his rebuttle. Raddatz allowed for exchanges but did not allow a topic to be “talked-through”, Raddatz allowed Biden to interrupt and actually take control of the exchanges. POOR JOB BY RADDATZ.

Joe Biden was compassionate about one main issue, the Obama/Biden administration is not responsible for a four-year term that has failed and has America on the brink of economic disaster. Problem is  Obama/Biden ARE RESPONSIBLE for a country that is not better off today than it was four years ago.

Bottomline for our recovery, JOBS, Obama failed at meeting his goals on creating jobs (23 million Americans out of work), bringing unemployment under 6%, (over 8% for 43 consecutive months and a questionable 7.8% last month), cutting the debt (Obama increased by 5.6 trillion to 16 trillion) 1 in 6 Americans living in poverty, 47 million Americans on food stamps, Terrorist attack on our Libya Embassy the result of a overcondifent Obama, failing, mideast foreign policy. YES MR Vice President Biden, LAUGH AT THAT BECAUSE THE LAUGH IS ON YOU.

By the way, lie of the night; WINNER Joe Biden, by denying the cover up of the terrorist attack on our Libya Embassy.

We do not need Obama speeches and lip service nor Biden’s tight-ass smirks, we need a Businessman with a successful record of creating JOBS. Get Americans back to work and the rest of our problems will be resolved.

That businessman is Mitt Romney and his Redbull is Paul Ryan. VOTE ROMNEY/ Ryan give America back to the people.


President Obama Likeability

President Obama’s “likeability” is really getting “overworked” by the news media and some of the public.

The saying now goes like thisPresident Obama is the kind of guy you would like to have a beer with. No, wrong,  you have a beer with your softball buddies, you can pay for that beer when the President is doing his job creating a robust economy.

  • Over 23 million Americans out of work.
  • The “real” unemployment rate (counting those out of work and looking for jobs and those out of work who have stopped  looking for jobs) is approximately 11-12 % +.
  • For 43 consecutive months the “watered-down” rate was over 8% until October when it was reported at 7.8%, not good either (this rate, one month before the election is under question).
  • One in Six Americans are living in poverty.
  • Forty-seven million people on food stamps a 46% increase under Obama.
  • The National debt is now over 16 Trillion an increase of over 5 Trillion under President Obama.
  • Gasoline at the pump $4.00 + per gallon.
  • Obama has divided the country, creating class and race and women warfare.
  • Obama has failed to meet the goals he ran on in 2008.
  • Obama said in 2008, “If he could not turn things around, he was a one term proposition.” SO BE IT.
  • The attack on our U.S. embassy in which U.N. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens and three other Americans killed on a 911 was a terrorist anniversary attack.
  • Obama administration; President Obama, Hillary Clinton Jay Carney and Susan Rice, all blamed the attack on a year old internet video mocking the Prophet Mohammad.
  • Current investigations proving that the administration was covering up the attack to protect Obama’s foreign policy record and statements that al Qaeda was defeated and on the run.
  • Obamacare is starting to take place and now the true costs and regulations are “coming-out” and they are negative-minus.


Why are these media people scared to come  right out and say what they really feel? President Obama failed and has our country in the dire straights and Obama is in denial, has no plan to bring us out of this. OH! he has a request, forget his promises and failed presidency and give him (4) more years to think about it.

Get out to the voting  booth and push that button for Romney/Ryan before you become one of the six living in poverty.


Romney the Liar

During the debate without a teleprompter and no answers for Romney, Obama had nothing to come back with. The day after, Obama and his campaign hawks  resorted to grade school tactics, calling Romney; LIAR LIAR, YOUR PANTS ARE ON FIRE.

On CBS Face The Nation,David Axelrod, was asked why he and the President are calling Mitt Romney a liar (dishonest) about his tax cut promise and yet don’t call President Obama a liar for his 2008 unfilled promise about cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term (did not happen) and closing Gitmo (did not happen).

They asked Axelrod; ” Why is one candidate promiser (Governor Romney) a liar and the other promiser (President Obama) not?

Axelrod, eyes blinking, voice stuttering, shifting about blamed congress for not closing Gitmo and had no explanation for the unfilled 1/2 cut in  the deficit. Talk about a LIAR.

Obama has nothing to say because as had been said all along, Obama cannot run on his record, he has failed at every promise he made.

Bill Clinton the self-proclaimed GURU who stated, “No President, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully turned the country around” the same Bill Clinton that left his second term with a country on the brink of recession. Clinton’s statement means NOTHING, Obama did not meet the promises he made when running for and winning the Presidency and in fact has made things much worse since.

Obama had the chance to confront Romney right on stage during the debate, in front of nearly 70 Million people, Obama could not.

Now Obama looks for the “town-hall debate” where he believes he can fool the public with one-on-one questions and answers.

Hey everyone out there, let’s hope the town-hall participants will continue asking Obama real questions and not “made-for-Obama” specials. Remember, this country is headed for economic diaster if Obama gets reelected. More people will lose what jobs they have and the “real” unemployment rate today, counting those looking for work and those out of work but not looking, of 14% + will jump to a level of recession.


David Letterman Calls Mitt Romney a Felon

News reports state that on Friday October 5th David (Kermit the frog face) Letterman commented on his show that he believes Mitt Romney hasn’t paid a nickel in U.S. Federal Income taxes. “That’s right we have a felon running for President, Letterman said.”

Letterman must be back to smoking pot since just (2) weeks ago it was announced that Romney paid close to (2) million dollars in Federal Income Taxes last year.

This is the problem with celebrities that use their audiences and  TV exposure to promote the candidate that they chose. TV allows them to give out false messages to millions of viewers..

We should boycott these shows and the TV Networks as they should have rules for TV Hosts that prevent them from making serious, incorrect political statements.

Here is a man David Letterman, who has admitted to drinking problems, smoking pot for six straight months, had to apologize for insulting Sarah Palin’s (14) year old daughter, had to admit to having sexual relations with his female staffers. 

Letterman married his longtime girlfriend, Regina Lasko, March 2009. Their (5) year old son attended the ceremony. Then October 2009 Letterman admitted on air that he did in fact have sexual relations with his female staffers. Letterman was involved in a blackmail plot forcing Letterman to confess.

While admitting to sexual relations with his staffers Letterman stated; “I’m terribly sorry Letterman said, my wife Regina has been “horribly” hurt by my behavior. Letterman did not mention his young son who will also be hurt by Letterman’s’ sexual escapades in the future.

So here is this “quack”, this man without “morals” , David Letterman who clearly has major issues that he himself has confessed to, accusing Mitt Romney of being a felon. Letterman accuses Romney of not paying taxes when Romney has proven he has.

David Letterman the comedian, IS A REAL JOKE.

Wonder how much taxes Letterman paid and if he deducted for his sexual cavorting about, you know rooms, transportation, meals, etc? 

There you go, these are the kind of people who support President Obama. This by no means refers to President Obama as a cheat, the President does not have the answers for running the country but he is a good husband and father, unlike Letterman.

It just makes you wonder, is being President so important that you allow yourself to be surrounded  by the likes of Letterman, Maher and others. Why Maher even insulted President Obama saying, “it looked like he spent my million dollar donation on weed, Obama looked stoned” Is it worth a million dollars to be disrespected in front of millions of viewers, especially if you are the President of the U.S.?

Let’s get some morals back into our lives, VOTE ROMNEY/RYAN and get Obama and his celebrity losers out of the spotlight.

Send donations to Romney/Ryan even a $1.00 or more so they can continue to bring their positive messages to the public.


Presidential Election 2012 Voter Registration and Fraud

Here is the biggest joke of the day.

The Democrats complaining about voter registration laws and fraud.

Oh, those poor, poor people who want to vote for Obama, why the conservatives just want to suppress their votes.

Really, this is America 2012, you need photo I.D. to buy cigarettes, alcohol, get into buildings, certain public events, but the most important event in our free society, VOTING, and the Dems think it is unfair to require photo I.D.

If you fight against requiring proper photo I.D. you are admitting to supporting potential voter fraud issues.

No sane American voter would be against producing proper, photo I.D. to be sure that our elections are not tainted by voter fraud.

If we can give the poor, food stamps, welfare and medicine on our tax dollars then throw in photo I.D. it is a drop in the bucket compared to the other entitlements. With the voter I.D. lets provide these voters with information they could use to decide who to vote for.  Maybe they will find that if enough good paying jobs were created they would have a way off entitlements.

Creating a dependence on entitlements is just a way to maintain needy voters. Let those on entitlements see how the politicians  they put in office really live. Maybe then they will see that they are being paid entitlements for their vote as their hope of getting a chance to ever experience the American Dream fades away after each election. THEY ARE BEING USED.

So let’s cut out the rhetoric, this is not about suppressing voters, it is about opening up the doors for loopholes  and potential voter fraud and that will favor Obama.

Vote Romney/Ryan and let’s get people back to work where they can enjoy the fruits of real labor. Back to work means more than the 7.8% bogus unemployment figure for September 2012. For 43 consecutive months prior it ran over 8%. In real percentage the actual unemployed are closer to 15%. But of course we have political magic at work again, one month before the election and Oh my God the rate magically falls under 8% .

Wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that no President has won reelection with an unemployment rate over 8%. Just seems to be consistent with the misleading Dem campaign bull—— that has been going on during this election.


Obama Romney Debate Let the Tears Roll

One day after the Democrats witnessed President Obama get exposed for his inability to answer real questions instead of the “set-ups” usually prepared by the liberal media, the excuses fell like snowflakes in the Colorado Mountains.

Speaking of  Colorado; comes the  best excuse that will go down in history, Former Vice President Al “hanging-chad” Gore believes that Obama did not have enough time to adjust to the Colorado altitude and the air got to Obama.

Of course, moderator Jim Lehrer got the  blame from the left why? well we know why, Jim allowed Obama and Romney to spar without interruptions for the most part. So what is the complaint? Obama, without a teleprompter and a failed Presidency had no comeback for Romney’s dead on facts and lost by  knockout. Jim Lehrer, did an excellent job.

What over 70 million viewers got to see was the real President Obama, still a community organizer with no idea how to fix the country and no way to defend himself without the liberal media to feed him cush questions or a teleprompter to refresh his memory

As for teleprompters, some college students were asked today if Obama should have been allowed to use a teleprompter for the debate. The answer gives us some insight of the education our VOTING students are receiving, many said yes. I guess they have to first learn that a debate is an exchange between the candidates based on a variety of off-prompt questions, DER GUYS WHAT-UP?

So here is how I see many Democrats, they lie and/or believe lies, they have a standard list of excuses to use when they lose,  they have big mouths until anyone confronts them, then they head for the hills, when all else fails they become whining cry babies.

The Dems are back to campaign distractions again in order to get the public off the real issues and Obama’s trouncing by Romney.  Democrats  simply throw out there that Romney is a liar. The Dems will try to sway the public into believing that Romney won the debate by lying. They want us to overlook the fact that President Obama had an opportunity to challenge anything that Romney said; but Obama could not because Romney was right on point.

Now hear this you little Dems, Romney just made the Obama “lie your way to four more year train, get side tracked.” so let the tears roll.

Romney supporters now is the time to support Mitt Romney, send in any amount you can $1.00, $3.00, $50.00 whatever, Mitt will face the Obama “lie-machine” after winning this debate and we need to give him the fuel to continue this battle.